Tuesday, July 31, 2007
i say i have little knowledge, but i do know more than what i give myself credit for. the reasonings, process and theory are things anyone can teach. the things i enjoy teaching are the things you can't express in words. and such things can only be taught by leading by example. no one spends years at uni and thousands of dollars to learn how to help carry a patient's bag or to walk with them down a corridor yet it is those very things which patients really appreciate - they don't understand the techincal details.
and today i think we achieved something, for my colleague and i were treating a patient who was blind, immobile, diabectic (i wonder at why diabetes was of any relevance to us - but it was noted in BOLD on our notes) and in incredible amounts of pain. by taking the time and showing much kindness my colleague and i accomplished what we needed to without any difficulty. and i know we achieved something because after we finished the student who had been observing said my colleague and i made a good team...
comme d'habitude
such a shame. i try to change for the better - i think i do, but i don't.
i am happy though. honestly. for now. the cycle is unbreakable. at least that is the certainty in my life.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my life
i constantly feel like something is not right. don't get me wrong, nothing is wrong, but it just doesn't seem right. my emotions are running rampant. i feel worried, then i feel alright as i just forget and then back to worry. sometimes sadness is thrown in to spice things up.
the thoughts that circle my head are ones about friendships. i have had many over my short existance. but the thought of one friendship has been bothering me as of late. the friendship is stretched, but i don't know why. i guess it can be simply put down as us growing apart. but as i grasp at rebuilding (or even hanging onto what we have left), i feel like i'm grabbing nothing. but what bothers me more are the actions my friend took a few months ago. what i see now as almost vindictive makes me wonder what i did to deserve such a thing. it hurts the more i think about it... perhaps i should be careful of who i call a 'friend'.
as i grasp at this 'friendship', i don't look for friendship, but rather closure on what i did to deserve such treatment.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Siemens Analyst?
Now the hospital owns the two Siemens linear accelerators which we use. Siemens employees come and go quite frequently as our hospital has purchased a service contract with Siemens.
So the other day, a nice gentleman rocked up on our level in our waiting room. Amidst the hustle and bustle of our somewhat busy department he approaches one of our nurses and asks for a bit of direction.
He states "I'm after a Siemens Analyst."
Our dear Sister is a bit puzzled, but knowing that we use Siemens machines she directed the question at the treating radiation therapists.
"This young gentleman is looking for a Siemens Analyst. Anyone here a Siemens Analyst?"
She announced it in a nice loud, clear voice so all the radiation therapists would hear it, and unfortunately the rest of the waiting room too.
The man looked mortified.
It was then our nurse realised what the man was really after...a semen analysis.
Monday, May 28, 2007
i told her i'd give it an 8/10.
she was gobsmacked. she was under the impression that i hated my job.
i convinced her that i didn't.
i forgot to tell her that im frustrated. seems like im sitting idle, just a button pusher, working the frontline while my colleagues get to pursue their careers. opportunities have come up, yet my boss will give those opportunities to everyone but me, even giving some people multiple roles and responsibilities. then theres me. nothing. makes me wonder how secure my contract is... train up the boys and girls who she wants to keep, and let me just fill in until my contract expires. great. go me.
ask me to rate my job again, i wouldn't give it an 8...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
at the end of my tether...
they ask "whats wrong?'
i say "same old, same old"
they reply "ah."
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Age
April 27 2007
Thousands of Japanese have been swindled in a scam in which they were sold Australian and British sheep and told they were poodles.
Flocks of sheep were imported to Japan and then sold by a company called Poodles as Pets, marketed as fashionable accessories, available at $1,600 each.
That is a snip compared to a real poodle which retails for twice that much in Japan.
The scam was uncovered when Japanese moviestar Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet would not bark or eat dog food.
She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep. Then hundreds of other women got in touch with police to say they feared their new "poodle" was also a sheep.
One couple said they became suspicious when they took their "dog" to have its claws trimmed and were told it had hooves. Japanese police believe there could be 2,000 people affected by the scam, which operated in Sapporo and capitalised on the fact that sheep are rare in Japan, so many do not know what they look like.
"We launched an investigation after we were made aware that a company were selling sheep as poodles,'' Japanese police said.
"Sadly we think there is more than one company operating in this way.
"The sheep are believed to have been imported from overseas - Britain, Australia.''
Many of the sheep have now been donated to zoos and farms.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
thursday night.
getting desperate for a place to live. if only for just 2 weeks.
after daniel sending me a myspace link, i browsed and browsed some guy's friends page and found myself slowly getting addicted to it like most of melbourne is. last thing i need is another addiction...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
stripey peter alexanders
im anxious. i applied/applying for a property on high street. i love the place. but im scared to get my hopes up. too many times i've expected too much and been disappointed. better to keep the expectations low, i'm not strong enough to deal with disappointment.
many friends don't understand the situation i'm in. i say im homeless. they say i'm not, that i'm welcome in their home anytime. to me home has never been just a roof over my head. theres more to it than that.
moving in with imma. gorgeous girl. god bless her. i'm looking forward to it. the whole moving process has been a tough road, with both of us feeling rather frustrated at times. it may get tougher. but, one thing i've learnt about imma, her heart is always in the right place. as friends, we've grown together in an interesting manner. when we first met, i think she thought i was the quiet boy who just tagged along. that changed one night at onesix. after a short night out, imma, dean and myself retired into the bathroom where dean passed out around the toilet and imma and i polished off a bottle of red. we sat chatting and smoking and we both realised we were more alike than originally thought. at summadayze we partied hard and we realised we were both party people at heart; she even said she never would have thought i was such a party boy. her approach to friends is like my own. like myself, she holds a lot of respect for friendships, which often leads to disappointment, but then the disappointment really weeds out the good friends from the rest. shes a needy girl, im a needy boy, her company will be good. there will be much more drama, frustration and disappointment ahead for the both of us, but we can handle it.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
crash palace/the men's gallery/love machine
the actual party was great, we all went and did our thing, but always gravitated back to the same spot at the same time. music was good. i was especially surprised i really enjoyed the trance room.
at the end of the party at 7pm we helped out with the cloak room again, just so everyone could
get their arses out of the joint.
headed back to daniels for some dinner, then headed to the afterparty. the crowd seemed a bit incongruent with the venue. think trashy. think love machine. i dont think love machine has ever opened their doors to so many shirtless boys wearing hotpants. at first the music was doing my head in. found myself bored and checking out hot chicks, while laughing with daniel at the puzzled chicks thinking "why are there so many topless guys? and why are they kissing?".
so the rest of the gang rocked up and the party got started. hot bartender. i kept on checking her out and i think she realised. whoops. had a random blonde girl say i looked like her cute doctor. same hair style and face. unfortunately my hairstyle wasn't intentional as lately i've been scrounging for cash. 6 hours later i was saying my goodbyes and we headed back to greville st.
all in all, an awesome day/night out spent with like-minded people...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
i'm stressing because i don't know where to put my stuff. ive got way too much junk for a single gay man.
i wonder why i put myself through such hardship. its certainly not by choice, but i could have made things easier for myself. spending 2 weeks in a hotel in feb 2006 because i was absolutely homeless should have taught me a thing or two about homelessness and how not to do things, but yet again, i find myself searching the web for short term accomodation just in case. the only difference now is i can't afford it. i am grateful to my friends who have offered beds and love, but none of that lessens the feeling of displacement. and the sense of displacement is amplified by the fact my belongings are strewn across melbourne, with my kettle base in richmond, and the actual kettle in north melbourne, chongy in prahran and cook books hopefully (?) in north melbourne with the kettle. i was hoping to leave my skis in north fitzroy, but that didn't work out to plan.
so for the next two weeks i'll live out of suitcases, from door to door of friends houses offering them all the love and appreciation i can muster because that is what they deserve.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
all's fair in love and war
i don't know how i feel about him. i really don't. i'm glad hes around. i'm glad he wants to spend time with me. i don't know what he wants from me. i don't know what i want from him.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
indian on chapel. the drinking on commercial. househunting on high. coffee in st kilda. then toast at greville st. toast for lunch on chapel. then toast for dinner in fitzroy. toast for breakfast again in collingwood. swedish meatballs in richmond and then fish for dinner in fitzroy.
tummy still sore from friday. i get sick when life gets tough.
watched crash last night. gripping in parts. close to tears in some, although that doesn't say much. i cried in open season. so between gripping the armrest and crying, i was running to the toilet. i have never felt so much discomfort since 2001. i much enjoyed watching the movie.
i miss her. i do feel a bit alone. but you know. i'm surrounded by people i love. i'll catch up with her soon. i promise.
ur good fun too.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
while waiting with a patient for a MRI i had a long chat with her about the healthcare system. it was interesting to hear it from her point of view. the time spent with her was good i think. she has always been an anxious lady. building that rapport is important. she enlightened me about how bureaucratic the billing system is in the private sector, sending forms to medicare, insurance companies and then cheques which go from medicare, to the insurance company, then to the patient and then back to the provider. all rather complex. perhaps its a scheme to confuse sick people so much that they forget they are sick.
earlier on today i found out a good friend of mine's grandmother was just diagnosed with cancer. i caught up with her over lunch and then after work. the chat was good. i hoped i helped. she helped me.
i read something today. my friend spoke of the same thing the other night. seems to be recurring. its about purpose, gifts (of love, gestures and thoughts) and reciprocation. everyone has a purpose, or a gift to give, and you usually get given what you give. today i gave all i could. now i feel empty and down.
and now i have nothing else to say.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
when i close my eyes i feel like crying.
right now everything seems a bit too much for me.
friends are supportive. from those who i expected help, nothing. those who i knew would be there, are there (always have been). and those whose help is totally unexpected, god bless.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
get me outta here
i went to safeway to get some food for myself. pasta salad and coleslaw. my usual cant-be-fucked solution for dinner. came home and fell asleep.
shit day at work. glad its over.
went to look at a few properties, a couple in tribeca and one in prahran. the tribeca ones reminded me why i didn't move there in the first place. way too small and cramped. two bedroom apartments are only really suited for one person. the place in prahran was beautiful. old victorian house. freshly painted with huge rooms. huge backyard and two car parks. the owner lives next door and maintains the house himself. colour scheme is a bit off, but i can live with that. only problem is, its three bedrooms and too expensive for two people to rent.
sigh. i need to move out. spending time at greville st this evening made me realise i need to be around friends. i need to be across the river...or at least closer to my friends. tribeca's location is great, but still a bit far.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
i'm heading out to dinner tonight with my sister and tony. its nice to be around family. this afternoon i spent by myself shopping and was much needed. time alone to think. thinking is what i need to do. so much has happened. i need to process all of it.
Monday, March 05, 2007
off my tits now...
thanks scotty for a great time. shame you couldn't stay longer. but as long as you had fun. wait. as long as i had fun. which i did. *kiss*
and yet again, thank you for saving me from darkus' friend. shame you werent around to save me again when i left....
Saturday, March 03, 2007
...and then theres me.
ive find out that joseph is moving out. all good. so that pretty much means that everyone is leaving. the clean up will be a bitch. theres crap in cupboards that seem to have become permanent fixtures of the house and have no real owner.
i cant help but feel guilty because of whats happened. i move into the house and the house turns to shit. nothing seems to get done, dishes seem to pile up, the bathroom gets messier and messier. and it puzzles me at how messy it gets. no one really cooks (or eats) and dishes pile up. no one is home to use the bathroom but there are always discarded razors, dental floss and hair all over the bench. when its clean, i try to keep it clean by wiping down the bench after i use it but somehow it just gets so dirty overnight that i can't be bothered when i use the bathroom. sigh.
so drunk right no
Sunday, February 25, 2007
i find myself annoyed at my best friend. not at the way we are acting towards each other, because, that i understand. we were once good together, but there was a reason why we were what we were. i remember the night he said that one day we'd walk away stronger and i never doubted him for a minute. that day has come and gone and i understand what we need now. always did.
what i'm annoyed at is something much more basic. and now i have to decide, do i address it? or let it eat away at me? the answer seems clear, but its always easier to avoid.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
not happy
i'm home alone in a house i don't like, with no hot water and seriously 1 toilet roll between 2 bathrooms. i'm mozzie bitten from head to toe. hungry because all i've eaten is a bit of fruit, small take away lunch and a summer roll and yet to have dinner. i am seriously not happy at the moment.
i look back on my life and i think of the people who have come and gone in my life and i wonder whats next. who will i say goodbye to? and when i say goodbye, all i have are the memories of what we had. i look back on those memories and i chuckle, smile and have a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside. when the fuzzy feeling subsides i hate myself for saying goodbye.
there is a pattern. and i desperately want to change it. i don't like goodbyes.
i miss you. the late night chats on msn or in person, the mi-goreng dinners, cafes all over melbourne, waking you up in the morning, the computer games (how geeky), late night fast food, just hanging out, the crazy driving expeditions. it was fun. i miss it, badly. i was hurt by you, but i think i hurt you more.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
so we walked around. it felt so much hotter than it really was. i think its the humidity. looked at some necklaces. simon had to head off to cookie. i met freddy back at his house. made some tea and just sat and talked. ended up watching extreme makeover.
the show always puzzles me. its one big advert for plastic surgeons, hair stylists and personal trainers. very ridiculous. the 'guests' get so emotional. and i dont blame them. it must be so weird to want a make over so bad, but then say good bye to what you've known as yourself for so long.
they seem happy at the end of the show...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
monkey magic
lovely night out. ended up heading to crown with imma, freddy simon and jo. it was lovely. i do love the people i hang around with. i feel so very special.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
today things were a mess. everyone had their own shit to deal with , CTs were disorganised and people were just too tired to care. doctors were fed up with the radiation therapists, and we were fed up with the doctors. it came down to petty little games of "well, i'm not going to do this, they can just wait!"
relief came when i visited anna. i brought her flowers and it was nice to sit down and chat to someone totally not work-related. it was only brief but it meant a lot to me, probably more for me than for her.
when the day finally ended, i rejoiced. i ran to the car, jumped in the back and tried to get changed. its hard enough cramming my arse into my raw denim jeans when im standing up let alone when im in the backseat of my car. drove out of there and found myself racing to scotty, daniel and jeremy's place. unintentionally, i managed to get there in record time considering the time of day. looking like shit after a hard day's work, i was so nervous at meeting all the new people. but once inside i felt at ease.
the food was amazing. watching scotty and his friend cook up a storm in their small kitchen made me laugh, realising that i am insanely controlling when i'm cooking in the kitchen and never let anyone touch ANYTHING. from gyoza to okonomiyaki and kara-age everything was beautifully presented and tasted great. i loved just sitting there listening to the music and chatting with people. we stayed up drinking lovely tea laced with vanilla, roses and other fragrant ingredients. i think the first thing i'll buy when i move out is a tea pot.
daniel: chalks needs a breathalyser before posting on his blog.
i laughed because its true...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
unable to upload to daniel's blog, so i'll have to load it here...
thanks scotty and daniel ;-).
i'm such a retard.
Monday, February 12, 2007
will you marry me?
went for a gorgeous dinner at mecca bah at docklands. great bottle of wine and great food. it was so good to hear imma's voice again. i didn't want to say anything or interrupt her. i just sat there and listened. she was telling us about how her good friend loved hearing her stories and i realised how much i had missed it.
"oh my god you cannot believe...you'll fucking die..."
ahh its good to have her home.
we came home and hit the computer to look up houses and apartments. we fought over which rental accomodation site to use.
me: we should use domain.com because it looks better... look its got green and nice font, none of that red ugly shit on realestate.com. its like why i don't shop at safeway...too much green and red.
imma: no. we should use realestate.com. its better. you can't find shit on domain.com.
i then gave her the ring i bought for her in canada. the special one that was so unique i had to buy it...
will you marry me imma?
(and by marry i mean sign a lease agreement, move in with me, never have sex with me, but maybe let me see your naughty bits)
"your pants are too tight!" part 2
...lets just hope they stretch with me over dinner...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
graduation ceremony last night. it was nice. nothing special. it was interesting to catch up with uni mates and other people i trained with. there were other places i would have rather been, but i felt it was something i should have gone to. steven bradbury was the orator. he was funny, and his motivational speech was more than "just wait for everyone else to fuck up and then get ahead".
to celebrate my graduation we planned on heading out. we spent about 2 hours at home just trying to decide where to go. we decided to go gay and hit the market. i caught up with some friends there. it was good to see them. peta dropped by and much fun was had. the night ended at 5:30ish. just headed home and chilled out for a couple of hours.
i slept at about 7.
woke up at 9.
i bummed around in bed checking web blogs and newspapers. 11:30 was when i was meant to meet daniel, jeremy and the gang at Carnival for a little picnic. i left the house at 10:30 and picked up various items of food and wine. at this point i was feeling reasonably okay. when i got there i cracked open a beer and started drinking. the one beer was getting me tipsy due to the lack of sleep, food and liver function. had some more vodka jelly shots (which were so very nice and strong). by the time the food was served i was truely tipsy. over lunch i decided to try some punch. people warned me the punch was insanely intoxicating. and i think it was. after finishing a glass of wine i decided to go for a wander.
i ended up looking for darkus. i sat down with them and chatted a little bit, nibbled on some food. at this point i was already drunk. they offered me a glass of champagne and i couldn't resist. 10 minutes after finishing the glass i passed out. slept for half an hour and woke up feeling a bit headachey. walked back to the picnic area and grabbed myself another drink. i fell asleep again. woke up, grabbed another drink. scotty messaged me. the sms conversation became weirder and weirder.
scotty: how much longer will you guys be there for?
me: im drunk.
scotty: she choke on her tits?
me: i'll choke on your tits...
at one point i thought it was better to just ring as it would probably make more sense...
me: huh? why didnt it ring. is this voice mail? i don't understand, the phone didn't ring.
daniel: that wasn't a voice mail message was it?
me: i don't know.
daniel: ure drunk.

drank some more. almost fell asleep again. i realised i was too drunk to make it home by myself. i really didn't trust myself. daniel and jeremy graciously let me follow them back home and i crashed on the couch. i fell asleep sitting up.
i woke up in jeremy's bed. all comfy and not upright. lying down is a better position for sleeping...
stumbled outside and found scotty. after a tea i decided it was time for me to venture home. i caught a train to the city and then walked home.
a good weekend. carnival was so very lovely. thanks hon *hugs*.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
pauline: hi
me: hi, i'm out at dinner with freddy!
pauline: oh frankie! hi frankie!
like i said, dinner with freddy was long overdue. the food was mediocre - i should have stuck with my usual but i was trying to be adventurous. turned out to be some soggy rice, pea and bbq pork dish. whoops.
freddy told me his good news and i was so happy for him. *claps for freddy!*
we sat and discussed whats been going on in each other's lives. work, love, friendships, that kind of thing. after dinner i was meant to catch up with pauline and was contemplating going for a drink in the city.
me: i don't know what to do...
freddy: just go for a drink...
me: nah i meant in life.
freddy: yeah, just drink...
good times. we ended up just driving around aimlessly just talking.
(okay. so i'm going to work backwards through the week)
thursday night was my work drinks and dinner to celebrate our new interns and me being re-employed. we started off at mountain view. ugh. i hate that pub but its a pub and pubs sell booze and booze is great after work. started off on some crappy sauv blanc, then beer, then jager. ugh bad choices. by the time we got to montezuma's i was slurring my words and i was hugging our nurse unit manager. rohan, linda, kristy and i were having a good laugh at the end of the table just talking shit. i can't remember much of what was said, but i know i laughed a lot. and i remember every time we cracked a joke, we'd hi-five each other and always missed.
at the end of the night we stumbled back into the department to pick up some of our stuff. turns out security freaked out and had run up to the department thinking we were breaking in only to find that we had already been and gone. andy our cleaner got approached by security today and he had a word with kristy. whoops. next time we are meant to check in with security first.
anyways i got home, i apparently blogged and then passed out.
wednesday night i spent the evening with jeremy and daniel. pacific house for dinner and grecos for dessert. such stimulating conversation. i learnt so much. there are times - okay most times - when i find both daniel and jeremy so insanely intelligent. i walked away from that evening feeling a little bit smarter and so very satisfied.
this week has made me realise i've surrounded myself with people i love.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
spin me round
i odnt understand how i gos t so drunk. spin meround the world is spionning. la a;llalaallalaala aaj
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
what a night.
strange looks from guys tonight. guy walked past me and fully made eye contact. not used to it. im used to being invisible...
ignore me.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
i'm really starting to hate myself...
Saturday, February 03, 2007
no one is home!!!
i feel like picking it up and yelling "NO ONE'S HOME!!"
but then that would leave the caller feeling a bit perplexed.
Odd Spot - Friday 2/2/07
Talk about nuns on the run. A group of Greek nuns - 55 sisters of the Saints Kirikos and Ioulitis monastery in Sidirokastro - abandoned their convent and went into hiding after running up debts of more than $A1.01 million from a knitting business that went bust, Greek police said.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
"your pants are too tight!"
so at work today, after a slightly extended lunch i felt really crook. i went to lie down in the nurses station. i was burning up with a fever. i took a few panadols and tried to sleep it off. i slept for about an hour, then the nurses insisted i go down to accident and emergency. i thought i might as well considering it would be free after the medicare rebate. took my bloods, put me on a drip and took a few x-rays. i crashed there for a while. woke up 4 hours later and the doctor told me it was just a viral infection. great.
going to take the next two days off work. just sit at home and be bored.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
pinot noir
i'm sick. my nose is running, my throat is sore and im constantly getting hot flushes. i nearly fainted at work again. this whole fainting thing has been happening for the past 2 or 3 years. i spoke to a doctor about it once and he found nothing wrong. dean nagged me like a mother would - "are you going to get yourself checked out?". interesting how my own mother would never nag me like that. anyways, i did talk to the nurses about it. they said nothing was wrong. my blood sugar level was good, and my blood pressure was fine. so no biggie in my books. i'll wait for it to happen again...
it feels like my life is getting too complicated for me. i want to talk about it. but i can't. can't find the words to express it...yet again. it will all blow over, im sure.
heres to another glass of wine.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
it took me by surprise. i almost wondered if she was going to tell me she was going. i then commented on how many trams were heading out north, but none were heading into the city. like me she was heading into the city, and i said to her that it was probably good because she would be unlikely to find a seat on a north-bound tram.
she replied with "oh people these days offer their seat to the elderly..."
im like "oh yeah... lucky!"
she then asked me if i went out on new years eve. i told her i didn't. she said she did and on the way home the trams were as packed as they were today. i thought it was cute that she enjoyed her new years and partied with the young'uns. her new years eve was probably more exciting than mine.
diana ross, mariah and janet
so. dean and i just hung out last night, talked crap, music and more crap.
as i fell asleep, imma messaged me. she told me her troubles and i felt guilty i didn't have the energy to call her. i quickly typed out a message and promised i'd call back in a couple of hours.
so here i am waiting for her to reply to my message to tell me shes awake so i can call her. i worry about her. all i want is for her to have fun.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
back in melb
i don't belong.
Friday, January 26, 2007
as i checked in at lax i walked past the philipine air check in counter. it was chaotic. like really chaotic. it seemed like the whole plane was taking a large chunk of LA back with them. there were crates, boxes, suitcases...madness. it was amusing though.
i walked up to the qantas counter. much more civilised, orderly queues, 2 bags per passenger. much more relaxed. in the line this cute kid caught my eye. he/she started smiling with big eyes at me. flapped his arms. so i smiled back and pulled funny faces at him. cute. he seemed amused.
i'm dying for a smoke. but i don't want to buy a carton of malboros cos they taste funny and they don't have the dunhills we normally smoke.
tim is picking me up from the airport tmrw. sweet boy he is.
im looking forward to getting home, but there is still that hint of hesitation. hard to explain. i think i just dont want to face reality.
imma messaged me early in the morning. i replied, and then my mind just started thinking. it got away from me. my thoughts were churning at a rate i couldn't control. i quickly turned my computer on and typed out an email as there was no way i could cram all that i was thinking into an sms. in the morning when i got to my uncles place, i quickly turned my computer on and sent imma the email. it was like a huge blog vomit. it felt good to get it out, but i know the feeling won't last.
im in the alaska airlines 'boardroom' lounge at yvr with my dad. my mum is somewhere else in the airport, in a different wing because shes flying a different airline and route. its weird. when im not around my parents i convince myself that i maintain a good relationship with them, but when i spend more than 2 days with them the cracks really begin to show. i am thankful to be on my way home to my friends who understand me better than my parents. i just hope my friends will be as glad to see me as i will to see them...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
no-man's land.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
i do realise the absurdity of me cramming my feet into hard plastic boots, fastening the plastic shoes to flat planks and then hooning down a mountain at ridiculous speeds, only to have to pay copious amounts of money to get back up and then do it all over again. i think skiing is a stupid sport. but...i do love it so.
its cold. im wet. therefore i am cold. but...i still put myself through this torture. i cant wait to get home, get in the shower and wait for the pain to melt away with the hot water.
i woke up this morning to a beautiful day. it was snowing heavily, sun was hidden by clouds. dad and i decided to take a bus to the slopes as we didn't trust brunhilde to get us there in one piece. i skied pretty hard for the first few runs, but soon tired myself out. the snow is heavy and my back is still sore from the first day on the slopes. after a beer over lunch, i decided i'd take it easy. dad was keen for me to ski by myself because he was having trouble keeping up. i was keen. we seperated and i headed for the bottom of the mountain to sneak in a quick smoko. let me just say, marlboro cigarettes here taste funny and dunhills look funny. after sucking it all in, i headed back up on the mountain to toture my poor butt and back some more. at around 1:40pm at the top of the mountain, the sun came out. it was still snowing. magnificent.
whistler is such an emotional town for me. so many memories. i remember the first time i met santa was here; i was 7 and santa was my aunty's boyfriend at the time (i found out the other day he passed away last year from colon cancer). i was showered with gifts from aunties, uncles and santa. of course, none from my parents.
being here, not having any friends or relatives except my parents leaves me feeling rather bored at home. there is no tv, so i only have my mind, my book and my ipod to entertain me. theres only so much of each i can take. i find myself day dreaming constantly of love and what not. it doesn't help that the town is full of hot boys from all over the world. i dream that i'll find love here, or i dream of finding it at home and then i wonder of what i'd do. its pretty much setting myself up for disappointment.
i long to be home, amongst familiar faces, laughs and conversation. i want to be hugged. kissed.
the whole coming out thing. i don't know anymore. parents don't talk about it. i'm not sure if thats just them being them, or if it will come back and bite my arse later on. oh well, will have to wait and see.
i called my sister last night. i used up pretty much all of the credit i had bought that day. i spoke to her for ages, discussing my feelings towards my life at the moment. everything feels a bit too hard at the moment.
she said to me that i'm doing okay, and that my move to melbourne has been the making of me. i try so hard to believe her.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
my legs are sore, they haven't gotten a workout like this since well... the last time i had sex? okay i lie. they've been worked harder since the last time i had sex. for lunch i had poutine and a chilli burger.
the weather today was beautiful. blue skies, the sun was out. the sun was softening the snow so it was just right. unfortunately it does mean that if tmrw isn't sunny and it doesn't snow tonight its going to be so icy tmrw. oh well. i'll deal with it.
drove to the village this evening so i could use the computer and blog this stupid blog. so rusty at driving in canada. i get into the car, 1978 volvo named brunhilde. i walk to the wrong side of the car to start off with. i figure it out, sit down and took a deep breath. i pull the choke (yuhuh, the car has a manual choke), floor the accelerator and crank the engine. yay it started. i feel the engine dying so i pull the choke out some more and floor the accelerator. my dad comes out and tells me what DOESN'T work and pretty much gave me a list of things and instructions that was longer than the bible. convinced i could get the car down to the village without any hiccups, i put the car into reverse and backed the car up. i pull up to the main traffic light and theres a hitch-hiker. i think about picking him up, but then i realise it would be mighty embarrassing picking up a hitch-hiker in a car that barely drives. so i decide not to, and at that point the engine dies. i pull the choke out again, floor the accelerator and crank teh engine. i notice the hitch-hiker has pulled his arm in and decided that hopping into my car was a bigger gamble than waiting out in the cold for another car. oh i should mention also that on the way to the village, a car turned left infront of me and i nearly ran into him, only because i was hesitant to slam on the brakes incase the engine stalled and i'd have more difficulty starting the engine again.
i've thoroughly enjoyed myself so far, but missing friends so much.
hmmz. other news: i came out. to my mother.
it was kinda disappointing, and somewhat frustrating. I was just talking about imma and dean and telling them how they were going and what we've been doing lately.
mum: is imma your girlfriend?
me: no
mum: is imma dean's girlfriend?
me: no
instead of asking the only other combination, she asks "are you gay?"
me: huh? what? does it matter? yeah...
mum: you know why i thought you were...
me: isn't it obvious?
mum: no do you know why? i found porn...
it was mum's way of saying "i told you so. i told you you were gay" and having the last laugh as she always has to.
she then told me to be careful because "anatomically its not meant to be..." i quickly agreed and tried to change topic. last thing i wanted was a sex talk from my mother...
i feel somewhat disappointed that it was all a bit too easy. oh well i guess i should be thankful.
another big day tmrw. going skiing with my parents. but i think i'll ditch them at midday. ski by myself. and then maybe, hopefully, a hot boy will ski into me and then will have to tend to my cut lip and hurt finger by taking me home and having hot sex with me. goddamn the boys here are hot. and i am horny.
dean, my mother is getting you that magazine. she says its for your birthday. i almost told her she was being cheap, but then i realised you are probably the first friend of mine shes bought a gift for.
Friday, January 19, 2007
bell st preston (the old PANCH)
i'd just moved to melbourne, knowing no one but my god-sisters and a few family friends who i were never close with. studying at RMIT bundoora, it seemed to make sense moving there. people constantly around, concierge to help me with things and so very close to uni. it was hell. i made no friends. my room was smaller than a shoebox and it was ages away from the friends i did make. my local safeway was the most dangerous safeway in the whole of victoria. most stabbings in the carpark than any other safeway in the state.
orrong rd armadale
beautiful apartment. wonderful flatmate. just wasn't ready. i didn't know what i wanted. i was confused with the boy i loved. i was confused whether i loved or not. lol. for the first time i felt like melbourne was home. the streets were leafy and green, supermarkets were packed with everything i could possibly want and i was around the corner from everything gay and retail. i had fun living there. i perhaps expected a bit too much, and was totally new to the whole share experience. there was a point where i just gave up. i was confused, stressed, and partnered. i was trying so hard to make that relationship work that everything else took second priority.
astorial court carlton
it became home. it was close to everything but uni (but it was closer to uni than armadale was). i don't have much to say about the place other than how great the location was. nothing in the apartment was mine. everything seemed to be at war with each other - colours, decor, me, tim. it really felt like home when tim broke up with me and i was left house sitting. then my life turned upside down when tim kicked me out with 2 days notice.
bouverie close carlton
it was only ever temporary. the day i moved in i knew i was going to be moving out. rent was too expensive for me to maintain. location was great given it was on the city border. there were dramas though. there was no carpark to my name, despite the landlord saying there was. thank god i managed to get a carpark for 5 of the 6 months i stayed there. i discovered a friend 6 floors above me. we used to hang out everyday. i miss him. dean also moved in with me for a period of time. we had some good times, and i say good because they were fun, but laced with much sadness. towards the end of the contract bouverie close, despite its shabbiness and the fact that we were sleeping on a blow-up mattress in the living room, felt like home.
harrow rd stanmore
now technically not a place i can call home, i've had some very homely memories there. the trip to sydney in july last year was the best of them all. such dreary weather outside only amplified the warmth of the old house. even when it was absolutely freezing inside, something still warmed you up from the inside out. looking back i remember fondly our makeshift plastic ashtray, the weed, the rain on the window above the shower and the homecooked breakfast. life was easy there.
park drv parkville
now most of you know how i feel about park drive. it was once home, but now i feel so uncomfortable. now i can't wait to move out, get myself a nice comfy bed and everything else i need and for once settle down for more than a few months.
gastown?? do you mean gaytown?
i found the cutest t-shirts, great jeans and other stuff. i almost want to go back tomorrow wearing more clothes so i wouldn't be running between stores with dangerously erect nipples (my mother always told me not to run with sharp objects). there were some hot coats but i'm not sure if they are really my thing. if i have time on the way home i'll drop by and pick up a coat. oh and i found this really really hot cardigan. when i saw it i was drawn to it. i picked it up and the pricetag didn't deter me. it was almost meant to be...until i asked the guy where it was from. he goes - "its an australian brand...from australia". the thought of me buying an extraordinarily expensive item of clothing which has probably travelled further than i have (considering no one makes knits in australia) is absolutely crazy in my books. but i thought long and hard about it, and it didn't seem so crazy when i looked in the mirror. oh well with imma's advice ringing strong in my head, its probably best i didn't buy it. i've found a stockist in melbourne... i shall check it out as soon as i get home.
i've already spent more than i can afford. oh and i havent even bought the essentials i've been looking for like a beanie and neck gator.
question of the day: are you from england?
must be my non-convict-south-australian upbringing.
missing you guys terribly.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
cry me a river
the flight over was interesting. i believe i cried 3 times. i get so emotional. i watched little miss sunshine. all was good. nothing too emotional about that movie. brokeback mountain on the other hand, my fragile emotional state meant i was balling by the end of the movie and i think i'll start crying everytime i hear that song.
the next movie i chose was time to leave i think. something foreign. its about a young man whos faced with terminal cancer. i slept through half of it, but it was sad enough for me to cry. hot boy.
open season. enough said. anyone who knows me well knows that animations play with my heart. typical rollercoaster type of storyline. happy beginning, sad goodbyes, tough times, strength finding, realisation, happy ending. i cried.
so very tired. craving friends like well... as much as i am craving a cigarette.
i feel so alone.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
anyways, tried making small talk with security lady. didn't work. walked through, tried strutting but my legs hurt too much from last night. and yes dean, i know its all in the arms...
had a look at the departure board. would post the pic i took, but i can't maybe later. the board said:
QF73 Vancouver - RELAX
Too funny. just what i needed to see. i've been going out of my mind. i'm stressing out about leaving my friends behind. this will be the longest period of time i'll be away from imma. And then i worry about dean. hes a big boy.
i'm going to eat.
love you all
bye bye
i've never been away from imma for this long. ever since the day we stuck crystals on her face we've seen each other pretty much every other day. then she introduced peta into my life. and well... lets not go there (i do miss her so).
i've never felt so uneasy about leaving before. maybe the plane will crash or something haha. leaving my friends behind is something i am having difficulting coping with. the thought of not being able to pick up the phone and invite someone out for coffee scares me. i've become so dependant on my friendship network its not funny. this time away will do me good.
i realised last night i need a will. what happens if i do die overseas?
yoyos go up...and then come down. this little yoyo is coming down - fast.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
erin scissorhands...
so uncomfortable she made us feel that after dropping freddy off we decided to take a drive just to avoid going home - we ended up in woodend. her constant complaints, snippy remarks - "oh i see you've beaten me to the kitchen again." are driving me up the wall. not once have i complained about her loud music, her exuberant use of toilet paper or her constant ill-temper. okay maybe i have complained, but never to her. i put up with it because this house is as much hers as it is mine. actually, truth be told, its her house more than mine because i'm not on the lease, but still, i contribute more to this household than she does.
i try to be nice, and everytime it gets thrown back in my face.
me: oh erin, theres chocolate cake in the fridge if you or edward want some.
erin: you know how i feel about sweet things.
me: oh erin, edward, if you guys want to play xbox, feel free to play with mine
edward: sure, thanks.
erin: i was actually trying to discourage him from playing.
at least her brother is polite.
i can't wait to get out of here. good luck to her, i hope her next housemates are able to tolerate her.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
take another step towards my manhood
my 5th night of birthday celebrations. i organised dinner at home for pauline, pauline's mum, dean, imma and myself. prawns, dips, and mussels. pauline's mum brought a beautiful cake. such an experience. laughs all around. video soon to be posted: me blowing out the candles. the frickin' candle wouldn't blow out. hilarious. i opened my present. ipod video. love it. now i can take porn to canada and watch it on the plane.
birthday drinks at canary club was amazing. it started off a bit quiet. i was so nervous about the night. i was really scared that no one would get along. we started off with a bottle of moet and chandon and it seemed to relax everyone. at that point i realised i had nothing to stress about.
the night worked out really nicely. everyone was talking and just getting along with each other. our fears of dean, imma and myself supporting the party and having to run between groups to keep the life of the party going were unwarranted.
i had a moment. dean had said to me before the party: i want you to look around, and realise that everyone is there for you, because they love you. as i walked up to Joel for a birthday shot, everyone started singing. it was fucking amazing. i almost cried. i looked around and saw everyone. later on in the night, tim sent me a message which only reinforced that feeling of love.
i ran into some old work colleagues. they were out to celebrate christina's farewell. i quickly invited them upstairs - "theres a bunch of fags and a tab, come upstairs and have a drink". I got them started on long island iced teas.
i can't remember much of canary club. but i do know i had a good time. i remember chatting with people, just can't remember what i said. i was most probably talking shit.
next stop after canary club was onesix. most people had left for home or heaven's door/gate/whatever. i was keen to party on. we took a taxi to onesix. we ended up waiting outside the pet store for taylan. i call my sister in toronto. lets not think about my phone bill... she seems to be holding up well. i told her dean and i might meet them at mardi gras if they are in sydney. i was so very drunk at the time. "oh my, i am so fucked karen. the nights been great, went for drinks, now we are heading out, i'm drunk". taylan bailed on us, and my next fear was that we were going to get knocked back from one six. we've never been knocked back, and i didn't want the first time to be on my birthday night.
we get in, did the usual, hid in a corner for 15 minutes just sussing out the crowd, then straight to the dance floor. we were dancing, then someone felt me up - i thought to myself: not another drug fucked asian girl. i turn around and its freddy, simon, emily and dee - asians, just not drug fucked - love them. i honestly can't remember much from then onwards. i remember freddy coming up to me and apologising for having to leave. he is such a sweetie.
when we got tired of the crowd and the music we decided to head to hairy canary. i thought it would have been a lovely way to finish the night. we rock up there at 9:00AM and start on a glass of wine. dean ended up falling asleep on my shoulder and knocking the ashtray onto the floor. we are so classy. it was time to call it a night. we cabbed it back, dean headed to bed, i headed for the shower. i changed into my peter alexanders and crawled into bed.
i slept like a baby, woke up at 4:00 and stumbled downstairs. as i open my bedroom door, imma opens it from the other side. she smiled at me, and smiled back. her mouth opened and you could feel the excitement. i drag her upstairs so she could tell us all about her eventful night.
the three of us decided to get some breakfast at nudel box. we drove out to hawthorn, via toorak, damn scenic route. i was trying so hard to concentrate on driving i just forgot where we were going. we eventually made it there. i had two bites of my noodles and i was full. struggled through the rest of it. headed home.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
to the left, to the left
the laotian beer was burning my throat. never again. we left for st jerome's and on the way realised how much i loved freddy and simon's friends. both of the girls were so down to earth, quick and witty. stunning too.
must get ready for dinner tonight. cooking prawns and mussels. forgot bread. fuck. oh well. i'll pretend i never intended to buy bread.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
birthday boy
such sweeties, organised a little night out for me. movie and dinner at crown. even though i knew we were seeing a movie and having dinner, details were left out so there would be an element of surprise. yay - my own surprise party, and i didn't even organise it myself. in my head i practiced acting surprised for when dean and imma handed me a gold class ticket, but my acting talent (or lack of) was wasted as gold class was sold out. and then i wondered why we kept on gravitating towards 'the pub' at crown, despite my wishes to eat at KFC. it clicked when daniel rang and told me he was waiting at the table at the pub.
the movie - traumatising. but i think it was the only movie everyone hadn't seen. dinner was really simple. i have never seen so much mash in my life.
it was such a lovely surprise. never has so much effort gone into making my birthday such a special day.
thank you guys. love you'se.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
birthday eve
had dinner and desert at lucky coq and then walked up chapel st for coffee at kazbar. was a lovely night to have a couple of beers, pizza and coffee. not too cold, or warm - just right.
when i get home, i race upstairs to show dean my new presents only to find him passed out on his new bed. cute. i tidy up and head back downstairs. after settling in downstairs, dean's awake and we end up watching episodes of absolutely fabulous and will and grace.
time flew and it was 12:30AM...its my birthday.
dean asked me what i wanted to accomplish before i turn 23... i couldn't think of anything. i feel somewhat sad now. what happened to my ambition to be ambitious?
good night peeps, i'm 22...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
the lion, the witch and the new wardrobe
i fell asleep half way through the second movie. woke up to find 20 missed calls on my phone. i call dean to find out what was going on. find out imma had left work. i ran downstairs to see if she was waiting by the front door, but instead find she had already left for home :(. she needs her rest. i really miss her.
decided to meet up with jeremy and daniel for coffee/breakfast/desert. met them at their place, felt faint due to my incredibly low blood sugar. i was driving like i was drunk, i couldn't form coherent sentences and was forever staring into blank space.
coffee at ice, combined with the music, made me feel so very jittery. the steak sandwich made me feel so much better, but did nothing to alleviate the jitteriness.
we then went to mamacas for some donut-thing-i-forget-what-its-called.
really appreciated the time spent with daniel and jeremy. their company is always refreshing and i always walk away feeling ten times better than i did before. daniel is someone so dear to me. he has always been there through my tough times, yet always cut me loose when my dependence on him was too much or when my depression became and obsession. i've learnt a lot from him.
tim, invited me out for dinner. at first i was hesitant, but then realised i shouldn't be scared of him. i invited dean along, almost without telling either of them that the other party would be there. i couldn't be so mean. dean decided to come along, and tim confessed that he actually liked dean contrary to what he has said before. i have to thank dean for coming out with us. his company over dinner was neccessary as tim and i have few things to talk about and our conversations die quicker than a fish out of water . bless dean's heart for his ability to break even the thickest of ice with his warm laugh and quick humour. i can't help but think tim might have felt a bit out of place for we have grown apart over this year, but i can definitely see he is happier.
i just opened up my christmas presents from dean. funny getting my christmas presents closer to my birthday than christmas. i love them. muchly appreciated, you always know what to get... *kiss* you know i have to go all out for your birthday present now.
Friday, January 05, 2007
its a cool summer night and its too hot in my room, thank god i'm not upstairs. if only i could sleep outside in the backyard. i really would if there weren't bugs, rats and possums. i'd get eaten alive out there...
the past month or two has been somewhat uneventful for me, but so very dramatic for those around me. and as usual, their problems and dramas rub off on me. not that my friends force the drama onto me, but i just seem to take it on, their dramas become my dramas. when there is a fight, i feel uneasy; a breakup, i feel disappointed. its not that i sympathise with them, its just my own reaction and feeling to their own emotions. but for some reason, tonight i feel different. i only feel calmness...
maybe its because all the drama has come to an end for now.
we'll see.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
work was intense. the morning was quiet, i just tidied up a few plans, finished a breast plan thats not due for ages, did a few CT scans. one of our doctors came in at around 3 o'clock and approved a whole bunch of prostate plans which are due tomorrow. that left me with 3 hours of rushed writing, sticking, printing and clicking in order to get everything ready for the patients to start treatment tomorrow afternoon. left work at around 6:15 and slowly made my way home.
got home, no one was home. lonely. but thats okay. i'm doing some laundry at the moment, and once thats done, i'll head out to the opium den (the star hotel - will i ever learn?).
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
summadayze part 2
this morning when i woke up i was still buzzing from yesterday. i thought mardi gras was amazing, but summadayze had a different kind of atmosphere. there was even a pregnant lady. she even looked a bit drug-fucked. everyone was just there for a good time.
what a way to welcome the new year...
i feel at peace now. yesterday, imma said to me - this is the time to put all the shit of 2006 behind us, and i did. simple as that.
i'm fucked.
good night.