Saturday, March 03, 2007

...and then theres me.

so. i stumble out of my bedroom with a sore arse. wasn't entirely sure why i had a sore arse or how it happened. found out from another friend that i fell into a coffee table. whoops.

ive find out that joseph is moving out. all good. so that pretty much means that everyone is leaving. the clean up will be a bitch. theres crap in cupboards that seem to have become permanent fixtures of the house and have no real owner.

i cant help but feel guilty because of whats happened. i move into the house and the house turns to shit. nothing seems to get done, dishes seem to pile up, the bathroom gets messier and messier. and it puzzles me at how messy it gets. no one really cooks (or eats) and dishes pile up. no one is home to use the bathroom but there are always discarded razors, dental floss and hair all over the bench. when its clean, i try to keep it clean by wiping down the bench after i use it but somehow it just gets so dirty overnight that i can't be bothered when i use the bathroom. sigh.

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