Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the recipe for a perfect boyfriend

1 cup imma
250 g peta
500 ml liam
a dash of dean

imma, such an intense flavour, its craziness and passion gives the boyfriend such bite. peta makes a great addition to enhance the flavour - spiciness and so very very hot. to soften the bite and hotness, add some liam. its sweetness leaves a wonderful aftertaste. the perfect garnish for the boyfriend, a dash of dean - so crisp and fresh, yet enhances each of the other ingredients.

just some fun to end a great night - happy birthday peta *kiss*

Sunday, November 19, 2006

water is a ne-cess-it-y

what a weekend. i'm too scared to blog it all out. i have so much to say, so much pain, hurt and frustration to express, but just can't.

Friday, November 17, 2006

conversations with my 13-year-old self...

got this damn song in my head, one line, can't shake it.

i'm just tired.

where has my annual leave gone? i must have misplaced it along with my brain...

i'm looking forward to doing something for myself tmrw. maybe ikea. i hate the weekend rush, too many kids running amuck. hopefully dean won't need the car in the morning. i also want to move a table out of my room, but i'll need help with it - way too big. i'll have to call in some help; everyone around here seems a bit too busy to help.

i've been emailing my sister. she seems very happy with where she is; she has even extended her contract for another year. i'm still her kid brother though. still mothering me. she is concerned about the friendships i keep, the things i do, how i spend my money, drugs, alcohol, triads, etc. i don't think she will ever see me as an adult. i'll never be her equal. but then again, to put things in perspective, she has settled down, married, bought houses, and pursuing her career. i haven't really tackled any of those, well apart from the career bit. i guess from her point of view i still haven't grown up. i'm still renting, i am not interested in buying property, and i have not found true love. i look at devi and dean and i wonder if my sister and i will ever be that close.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

trailer trash!

8:30am I get a phone call from Peta asking me to help her move some props for her. Since she couldn't drive stick, and her brother's friend bailed, so she asked me. i was happy, i thought it was just driving a manual van. I thought as long as it wasn't column shift i'd be fine.

Then Imma tells me I have to tow a trailer. at that point i was like "andrew. be a man, a man can drive anything...".

so i get there, my jaw drops when i see the van, i psych myself up... be a man... be a man...craps i'm just a boy...

i successfully get the van down the hill and get to the main road, cars were keeping their distance, none of the trailer lights were working. changing lanes required lots of head turning and "peta... am i clear?!" because the wing mirrors were also just as broken..ahh no power steering either...

it all seemed a bit incongruent, my outfit, prada sunglasses, and peta in this dirty broken van going 40km/h down the main roads in eltham.

the van was okay, apart from the huge difficulty in getting the van from second to third gear, and towing wasn't so hard, except when i had to reverse. oh dear god. peta's photographer told her that a sign of a true aussie bloke was the ability to reverse a trailer. i'm no bloke.. i held up traffic, reversed the trailer twice into the curb, mounted the van on the curb twice, but i eventually managed to park the van on the nature strip.

ahhh my arms are sore, my left knee is sore, and my back is sore. love it. most exercise ive done in months.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Panda Sneezes

Sneezing panda, priceless!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

life lived, life wasted

i think i put my finger on it. there are two types of patients who i connect with better. the passionate patient who is determined to live (in the sense of experiencing life) and then the patient who is truly fighting.

one patient who comes to mind is a patient who, despite her terminal illness, continued to pursue what she loves - singing. her work, a victoria wide database of some sort was her pride and joy. it came to a holt with her diagnosis and instead, she focussed on her singing. to me, its beautiful; accepting her diagnosis and living life to the best of her ability. every now and then i get a patient who we treat curatively and have a real fighting chance and most probably have a disease-free future who really doesn't appreciate how lucky they really are. they treat their diagnosis as final, their treatment as a chore - not a battle, their life as practically over. i understand what they are going through, but the personal satisfaction i get from treating them is no where near as empowering; sure i'm helping them, but they don't have the drive which gives real validation to what i do.

i met a guy out at a club. he asked me what i did for work, i told him that i treat cancer. he said to me "oh yeah, i have a brain tumour". at that point, i felt like telling him "you are so amazing" (i think i did, i was so drunk). his prognosis is good. but he was amazing because he was out, enjoying himself with a champagne flute in one hand and a cigarette in the other. he was embracing life, not letting his disease stop him from really living life (i'm not saying smoking and drinking is required to live life - but he was enjoying himself). i have respect for him.

i think the reason i relate so well is because its something i want to do - live life with a passion. i want to explore the world, experience new things, further my career and become something bigger than i am at the moment.

i remember the blog entry i posted in response to dean's, and i said that his passion and drive made me want to always aim higher - and i'm getting there i think, ever so slowly with the help of the friends around me.

Monday, November 06, 2006


they started stocking spare toilet rolls at work again :D...

theres a difference between bitching and the facts..

ended up at onesix on saturday night.

this weekend has been by far the best weekend in weeks. it was the best time at onesix i've had since imma's birthday - no headaches, no sore legs, no drama, just a huge itching to dance. i felt comfortable with myself. partly because i was so hideously trashed. 2 red wines, 1 stella (or was that two?), 3 jager-bombs and 3 bottles of champagne (split between 5) - and then a glass of red when i got home. love it.

met a couple while there. lovely. susanna, my god, so beautiful, so wise and so witty. at least i thought she was. i really couldn't understand a lot of what she was saying, but for the bits that i did catch, she cracked me up.

oh well. i'm sure dean or imma will blog the night, i really can't be bothered at the moment. too tired.

Friday, November 03, 2006


they stopped stocking spare toilet rolls in the toilets at work :(...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

"So here's to finding a boyfriend at the opium den..."

Dean...starving. decide to get some food. on the way to the beach, we decide, instead, to go grab hungry jacks and then a couple of drinks at the opium den. oh dear god.

action plan: run straight to the bar, grab a drink and sit down.

no talent. but then what do you expect. its star. opium den...whatever.

dean manages to get cruised like 5 times. okay maybe they were fat and ugly, but thats still more than what i got. what i got was a fucked-up straight girl.

"so like yeah... where are you from?"
"no really, where were you from originally?"
"oh... but from overseas?"
yes dear...adelaide is a foreign country...
"my parents are from singapore"
"oh i grew up in singapore. i spent 2 months there."
okay then...

she was stroking my leg, getting way too personal for my liking...

after two stellas, we felt it was time to leave.

dean makes a run for the door, i stand up and turn around to leave, and i find the girl grinding up against me.

"i really like your build..."
thanks darl, but i don't like yours
"thanks, you are pretty [fucked-up]"

So here's to finding a girlfriend at the opium den...