Sunday, September 24, 2006


coming down now. slowly. need food, im tense all over, emotionally fragile - or rather, emotionally flat. should really get out of the house but its too late to do anything. wasted my day in bed cuddling a gorgeous girl. god bless her.

last nigth was pauline's birthday. great night. chocolate buddha for dinner; by the end of dinner i resembled happy buddha, all i needed was someone to rub my belly. the company was great. warm, friendly loving people.

when we finished at chocolate buddha we hiked over to workshop. sipping champagne and beer straight out of the bottle on swanston st. you have to love joel's energy.

workshop was great. but was too wasted to really take in the atmosphere. 2 beers, sake, yager shot, 1 stella, champagne and beer was starting to get to me. i held myself up, didn't appear too trashed.

a group of us left workshop for onesixone. it was hot. we hid in a corner and dropped a bit too much. i was a bit paranoid about how the night would turn out, but it turned out great.

Me: Tarve is wearing glasses
Dean: Yeah, he wears glasses all the time...
Me: Shit yeah... i'm fucked.

Music was great as usual. Shame i had to leave early because of a headache. i think i drank too much water. oh well. ill slow down next time.

will blog more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah CHALKS! hello my love.
add me to your list damnit! am loving your work as per usual :)