Thursday, December 14, 2006

life lived, life wasted part II

so. Remember that patient. She was amazing. Her passion for life amazed me. She was the one who told our nurses "that boy, is lovely" referring to me on her last day of treatment. I ran into her today while having tea in the cafeteria.

Its so rare that we discover the outcomes of our work. Usually we don't ever see the patient ever again, unless of course the disease progresses and they return for palliative treatment. I sometimes look up histories in the patient browser to see who has moved on with their lives, and who has passed on to something better.

This patient, really touched me. When people ask me what i do, and how i feel about it, i always refer to her. Our intent was palliation, and we succeeded in that. She told us she can drive again, walking better albeit with a little fall which set her rehab back a little bit, her pain is less, and she is getting on with what is left. Our work paid off, we fulfilled her wishes.

I wonder if she misses us...

Interesting topic we studied at uni - patients' dependance on the hospital setting. Our patients would spend up to 6 weeks visiting our department for their daily treatment. Over those 6 weeks they form bonds with staff and other patients. At the end of the 6 weeks, they no longer need to visit, they lose their friends, their support network, and worse, their active fight against their disease. I think we should hold post-treatment support groups, where patients can socialise outside of the hospital setting with people who have fought the same battles as they have. I know there are support groups like this out there, but whether they are fully utilised, I don't know. Perhaps I should bring this up at the next patient care meeting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that's a fantastic idea!!
